Tuesday, September 7, 2010

August 30- September 2

On monday we were cutting the frames with Eddie. Joach and Isaac cut it perfect. I was jeolous because I didn't do it right. Everyone learns from their mistakes. So who doesnt start making mistakes then they won't learn anything. On Tuesday I was watching Dilan and a group of new students putting on the frames together. I arrive a little late because I was doing math homework. On Wednesday Dilan, Martin and I were trying to set up the tires in the middle of the hinges so they won't move when the robot moves. We had it easy until there was a tire that was giving us problems because it wasn't fitting in the middle. Elizabeth was sreaming at us because we didn't hurry up. On Thursday we watch the movie "2 million minutes" it was made me want to study more and do all my homework. It was ironic because Johns's roomate walk-in and he was Chinese. He was really impress with the robot we had.

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